
Showing posts from December, 2020

Radiated Positivity

Image retrieved at           For the months of learning ICT, I have encountered a lot of interesting things. Gaining knowledge and learning on your own is difficult and challenging, yet gives you a fulfilling happiness when you succeeded in answering the tasks alone. I personally, is against self- study because for me, it’s better to learn with people, but I have tried my best and served my preference as an inspiration to hope for light in this darkened path. Image retrieved at           Throughout my ICT first quarter journey, I had gained a lot of unforgettable experiences. I have learned to make my own blog and gained confidence in sharing my ideas through posting my compositions. I have received positive comments from my fellow special class students and it made me happy, knowing that behind my s...

How far can we go?

Image retrieved at            I still remember the good old days when hot weather only happens at summer, rainy days starting exactly at the month of June, and even months before, Christmas breeze can already be felt. The times when we take an afternoon nap without using electric fans and air conditioners because the wind is cold enough, and very calming which makes us sleep better. The moments when children are jumping with joy when it’s windy, because they take it as an opportunity to play kites. The moments when we attend mass at dawn and it’s really cold which makes us hard to get up from bed. Nostalgic.  Image retrieved at           Even in the shortest period of time, a lot of things can change. For the years of going through modernization, we haven’t thought of the irreversible effects of our behavi...