Radiated Positivity

Image retrieved at https://depositphotos.com/vector-images/self-study.html For the months of learning ICT, I have encountered a lot of interesting things. Gaining knowledge and learning on your own is difficult and challenging, yet gives you a fulfilling happiness when you succeeded in answering the tasks alone. I personally, is against self- study because for me, it’s better to learn with people, but I have tried my best and served my preference as an inspiration to hope for light in this darkened path. Image retrieved at https://www.clipartlogo.com/istock/blog-abstract-vector-illustration-1625483.html Throughout my ICT first quarter journey, I had gained a lot of unforgettable experiences. I have learned to make my own blog and gained confidence in sharing my ideas through posting my compositions. I have received positive comments from my fellow special class students and it made me happy, knowing that behind my s...