Radiated Positivity

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          For the months of learning ICT, I have encountered a lot of interesting things. Gaining knowledge and learning on your own is difficult and challenging, yet gives you a fulfilling happiness when you succeeded in answering the tasks alone. I personally, is against self- study because for me, it’s better to learn with people, but I have tried my best and served my preference as an inspiration to hope for light in this darkened path.

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          Throughout my ICT first quarter journey, I had gained a lot of unforgettable experiences. I have learned to make my own blog and gained confidence in sharing my ideas through posting my compositions. I have received positive comments from my fellow special class students and it made me happy, knowing that behind my struggles in creating my essays, a lot of them have appreciated it. Though making my essays and compositions gave me a hard time, I’m still thankful that my vocabulary have improved. I also learned a lot about the world wide web like on the proper way of using the search engine, and of course I gained knowledge regarding the history of the internet.

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          Although I have gone through different struggles in answering my modules, I have improved my coping strategies. Answering my modules had became my distraction in going through mental health issues. Instead of overthinking things, I have preferred to spend my time leaving comments and spreading positivity on other students’ posts. I learned to be strong and continue to fight. My faith was strengthen, and I know everything will be fine.


  1. I'm good to know that you learned a lot in ICT subject. Your blog is good, Good job!


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