Adaptation of The "New Normal" Way of Schooling

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        Being at school is not just about learning academically, it is a place where we sometimes feel comfortable in showing our real selves and flashing the brightest smile we can ever wear. Having time to chat with your friends personally, and getting to hug them everyday had became a routine in a student's day in school. Listening to your teacher's discussion, having snacks with your classmates while sharing jokes with each other and not worrying about other people as long as you're all happy. Who would have thought it would all change in a sudden?

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         After the strike of COVID-19 pandemic, face to face classes were suspended, but alternative ways of learning in line with modular and online classes were implemented. This types of distance learning can be very challenging, especially that there would be times in which it can be really troublesome. In terms of modular learning, students are obliged to self study and it can be hard to other students especially those who have lower learning capabilities. In online learning, students are required to have mobile devices that can be used in virtual meeting through applications like google meet and google zoom. Challenges in using this type of learning includes the unstable internet connection that may affect the virtual class, and the low learning capabilities of other students. While going through this two types of distance learning, there can be a good quality education especially if students are provided with capabilities required in becoming a productive learner. 

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         Learning amidst the pandemic can give us a harder time rather than on face to face classes. A lot of us may say that we're not learning as much as we do on face to face classes, but at least we're still learning. We should be thankful that even in the middle of a pandemic, we are still being educated, and teachers are giving their best to give us good quality education. So we must not lose our hopes, and keep our faith strong. We will fight COVID-19, let us all trust the process.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Explendid, I really like how you use you freedom of speech to let everyone know that this is not the end, thus this just the start to prove in ourselves that we can get through this.

    Btw... I like the theme color that you choose... Its so light in the eye, goodjob!!!

  3. I agree that we must not lose our hopes, and keep our faith to God. I hope that this pandemic will gradually ceast to exist and we shall have the quality education we deserve. Nice blog!

  4. I agree that even though we learn less atleast we are learning something

  5. I like the color theme aswell and the cartoon styled introduction image seems to also represent new beginnings i like the overall appearance,good job

  6. I like the color combination of your blog. It reminds how good-looking you are. It's a good thing that you used an images which are related to your article.

  7. Hi Sunshine! Your ideas are very well structured. Also, I totally agree with your statement. All we need to do now is to accept and embrace this new type of learning because learning must go on amidst Covid-19. Overall, your article is great. God bless.

  8. Good day Sunshine! Everyone must learn that during this pandemic we must have faith with God to surpass this hurdle. It is hard because of this pandemic but we should stay strong. Keep safe, Sunshine! I also like how your font blended with your choice of theme. Your font compliments well on that color.

  9. Hi Sunshine! I really love your ideas and how you motivate others to think positive even we are experiencing this pandemic. We must trust God for we all know that He is the one who can stop this pandemic.

  10. Hi Sunshine! Your ideas are well-structured and your statements are based on facts. I like how you motivate your readers to trust the process and never give up. Your article is great. It shows positivity and hope for students amidst this crisis.

  11. I love the theme of your blog. I like the way you give life and color through the images you used. Your font color and style really suit your theme.

  12. The way you express your ideas and opinions is really interesting! I strongly agree with you and I admire your strong faith in God! Keep our positivity and hope in our hearts!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yes, this new learning style is giving us a harder time, but at least we are still learning. I like your blog , your content expresses everything about the quality of our education during this pandemic. Well done.

  15. I like your layout , it suits your personality. And makes me convince to read your article.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I very much agree! One of the reasons why a student wakes up early in the morning to go to school, is not to just learn something new, but also to bond with their friends. A normal thing back then, became such a rare moment to happen nowadays. It even affected us mentally and emotionally. I love your layout by the way. I really love purple~~


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