Prepare with Decisiveness

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        We all know that our country, Philippines, is located along the pacific ring of fire, where frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities mostly occur. Being in an earthquake-prone country requires a lot of responsibilities, especially preparedness. But what is the most common way in line with preparation of earthquake occurrence?

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        As a student, I have already gone through practices in preparation against possible earthquakes. The most common thing that we do is the Earthquake Drill that is implemented by the school. In a school year, this earthquake drill is being practiced not just once, but twice or even thrice. This drill is said to strengthen the coordination of national and regional mechanism in terms of disaster preparedness, particularly earthquake. Another significance of the drill is that it helps us with the evaluation of the effectiveness of the emergency plan in a certain area. Plans can be ineffectual if it's not practiced. 

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        Emergency drills such as fire and earthquake drills should be done with self-discipline and responsibility. This drills serves a big role in practicing preparedness, and we must take this as an advantage to learn about safety. Some people may think this is just a waste of time, and it give inconvenience, but I hope you would understand that not because you haven't experienced fatal disasters yet, you would have the right to criticize the good things that others offer you. Remember that a spark is enough to start a fire.

Reference:, November 26, 2020


  1. Yes, some people may think this earthquake drill is just a waste of time, but it is not, this drill gives us lesson on how to prepare in handling earthquakes, so it is important to participate on this drill, because you don't know, if someday it will save your life. nice work, I truly understand your work.

  2. I agree that this is important and significant and can even save someone's life

  3. Your article speaks the right facts, it is really informative. We dont know when earthquakes will strike, so we must come prepared in doing so; we must participate in the earthquake drills because one day it might save our lives.

  4. Your blog is really great. It is really important to participate earthquake drills because this is also for us so that we know what we are going to do if there is an actual earthquake. God bless.


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