My Book of Life

         I'm Sunshine E. Alarca, the only daughter of Raymundo R. Alarca and Anela E. Alarca. I was born on April 18, 2005, and now in 15 years of age. I live in Pantay Fatima, Vigan City. I am in 10th grade and currently studying at the famous Ilocos Sur National High School as a Special Science Class student. 

          Since I am an only child, I always prefer quietness and having at least one true friend. I'm usually alone at my room, so I did things to kill my boredom like reading books, watching videos and movies, listening to music, and doing art, and surprisingly, I learned loving them. My favorite place is not on the places I have been, but instead, it is our home. My room is my comfort place, because it is where I feel safe whenever I'm alone. A comfort place where I always breakdown and freely show sides of me that I don't show anyone. Me being happy or sad, my room had seen it all. Actually, I love myself, but I don't like much of me. I have lots of weaknesses and fears, my anxiety, overthinking habit, they're too much for me. Its getting harder to handle. Another thing about me, is that I'm a dog person. I love dogs so much, well, cats are adorable too, but since I'm asthmatic, I'm allergic to cats. I hate avocados, green tea, onions, garlic, even tomatoes. In short, I am picky. I like math, and accounting, but I also love drawing and arts. 

          I dream to become a Certified Public Accountant. I know, it would be a journey, but I'm willing to take it. I usually have academic breakdowns, but after that, I always learn to go on, try again, until I'd make it. I never want to give up on the things I want to achieve. Becoming successful, is my main goal within my school years, so I would make my parents proud. There's nothing more precious that the smiles in your parents' faces knowing they've done and sacrificed a lot and all of it were paid off. For my 15 years of existence, I've learned that loving yourself is very essential for you to live happily. Loving yourself means knowing your worth, and not depending your happiness on people, because it should come within you. For the years I've been through, I never forgot to ask God for guidance, strength, and safety. I may be busy dealing with life, but I always make time to talk to him, and I hope everyone would also be grateful for his goodness. For everyone who's always there for me, my family, friends, to the people who secretly cares for me, and to my favorite person, I am very grateful for having them. They have been there even when I've faced the struggles life had challenged me. They contributed in building up my confidence, happiness, and self worth. I hope they stay with me until the end, but if they don't, I still wish them the happiness they deserve and may they reach their dreams.


  1. I agree that loving yourself is very essential for you to be happy because everything changes when you begin to love yourself and everything falls into the right place. I feel like you're a very genuine person and you have a beautiful heart. Always remember that your feelings are valid and you are worth it.

  2. I'm impressed with how you narrate and describe yourself from your blog. We've known each other for quite a while now and I want you to know that I really admire you for your character. I thank God for your life because we are truly blessed for having you. I hope you achieve the happiness you truly deserve. Keep going and continue to reach for your dreams. Stay safe and Godbless!

  3. This is... very lovely! You've been doing great at trying to achieve your dreams I support you. I love how you were honest about what you thought about yourself and what makes you comfortable and happy, I love that you also mentioned cats are adorable, I think so too! I want a dog...anyways, stay safe, trust God, we can do this!

    1. I forgot to mention!!! You look stunning in the picture, your layout as well as the theme is quite simplistic, I like it! I love purple a lot hehe nice choice of color


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