My Words for the President


Dear President Duterte,

          A wonderful day, Mr. President. I am pleased to have a chance to give you a letter that expresses my thoughts regarding on your actions as a President amidst the pandemic.

          I admire you, for having the courage to rule the country, but you have dismayed the Filipino people by your governance. One of which is the poor performance of your Administration in combating the COVID 19 pandemic. Aside from not having any concrete plan to flatten the curve, politicians and other personalities are given special treatment despite the lack of tets kits. There is no doubt how neglectful the government is in addressing people's concerns. We, the Filipino people have all the rights to express our dissent, and demand accountability and transparency from the government.

          Although you have done some great things, your actions that have shown your negliegence and bad governance outweighed those who are good.

          I know, your position is not as easy as we think it is, and given those disappointing things you did, there are also good things that you've done for us. I'm grateful for the times you did a good job leading us, and I hope, one day, you'll make us proud again.

          Time is ticking fast and we cannot risk another life because of the way you handle the situation. Given the rising numbers of COVID-19 patients in the country and inaccessibility of health services, the most urgent thing your Administration could do is to exhaust all efforts to deliver aid to the needy and having a concrete plan to flatten the curve, instead of violence and threats. In this unprecedented time of crisis, the fueling rage of toiling masses is justified.

                                                Written with sincerity,


Image by Karl Norman Alonzo. Retrieved October 29, 2020 at


  1. Your ideas are intriguing and very well structured. I liked how you have shown the issues that the Phillipines are facing right now. Overall, it was beautiful and whoever can read it will surely learn something from it.

  2. Your thoughts and how you express in your letter how you feel about the leadership of our president especially now during the pandemic are well presented. I agree with you because everything in your letter tells the truth and I hope that the administration of our President do improve and perform their duties and responsibilities as the leader of our country.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good day Sunshine, your blog is really informative and it shows the reality of how we are living here in the country. The facts are well-presented and I admired the fact that you didn't sugar coat your words. More power to you!

  5. Being a president has the biggest role to do and yes some people were disappointed in his actions when this pandemic started. But just like you, I will continue to trust and believe in him the sake of our country, Philippines.

  6. Very well said. I agree to all your opinions. Thank you for this blog because I learn a lot of things about whats happening in our country. We all know that the responsibilities of a president is the hard ones but i know that he is doing his best for the betterment of our country. Lets continue believing him and continue trusting him.

  7. I agree that during this Covid-19 pandemic, the President should prioritize Filipinos. Funds should be directed in improving our healthcare systems because it is what where we lack when in fact it is our number one need during this pandemic. I am truly disappointed in our President but there's nothing I can do but to continue believing and trusting in him. I hope that he finds the light to correct his leadership mistakes soon.

  8. I learned a lot of things in your blog. I love have you stated the problems that we are facing right now but our president is trying his best to do his responsibility well. Excellent work!

  9. I admire on how you expressed your feelings to the president. And on how you indicated the hardships of his fellow filipinos. In short, the blog you wrote is lovely.

  10. Your blog is full of information and I agree with your statements. I like how you indicated the hardships of our fellow Filipinos and your opinions and disappointments to our President. Continue to voice out and raise awareness to our fellow youth. God bless.


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