Philippines' Journey on Becoming a Resilient Country

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         For a country to be resilient, it requires resilient individuals. We, Filipinos have always been observant in what's happening to our country, especially in what's good and bad in our economy. We have always been determined to make our state a better place to live in, for our country to have more resilience, or the ability to cope up with problems. But how would we obtain a more resilient Philippines? 

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        As a Filipino, we are obliged to make our country better, and more resilient. A country that have unhealthy coping strategies, cannot be called a resilient one and may have difficulties in facing future problems ahead. Our country, Philippines, may be dealing or may deal with problems, but we must find growth in every suffering. Calamities and other crisis may come, but having the ability to cope and recover, will help us build our courage in fighting future battles and can contribute in building a more resilient country. The more we develope our economic resilience, the lesser our economic losses will be. Developing a more resilient country can be hard, but having social support can contribute to resilience. In terms of planning, we should plan wisely, recognize all the risks and advantages throughout the plan, and if it has high success rate, we must stick to it.

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        We all aim to live in a more resilient Philippines, and we must trust ourselves, that we can build a strong economic resilience, though it's not as fast and easy as it sounds, but having goals to focus on is a good starting step. We must look towards our present and future, rather than looking back to the past, and focusing in our own economy without minding others is a must, to help us be more resilient. Let's hold each other's hands, and have a strong cooperation towards a more resilient Philippines.

Kendra Cherry.September 19, 2020."What is Resilience". 

Shahram Heshmat Ph. D.May 11, 2020."The 8 Key Elements of Resilience".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how you expressed your thoughts about the resiliency of us, Filipinos. Truly, we, Filipinos are always determined to have a better motherland. Filipinos are always persistent to strive for more. Our key for a more resilient Philippines is unity. Our oneness will lead us to prosper. We will rise as one. Kudos, Sunshine!

  3. I love how you addressed the importance of resilience and how it could be attained. We, Filipinos, are born resilient. Resilience runs in our veins. Our country experiences numerous calamities like typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions because of our geographic location but we are still standing strong as a country. We have experienced and is still experiencing disasters but still manages to survive because of our resilience. There is no need to worry about improving our resilience because being resilient is our nature and improving it would very easy with proper cooperation and will to act accordingly.


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