San Pablo, Ama ti ili!

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       After new year, is another book that opens. By this time, Bigueños, locals from Vigan City, are already looking forward to an annual celebration which is the fiesta in Vigan City, which is celebrated every 25th of January. It is the feast of the City's Patron Saint, St. Paul. Bigueños become busy within the week of Vigan Fiesta. Schools preparing their dances and marching bands. Decorations being placed everywhere. Venues are also being prepared. Prizes for competitions. A lot of parades. The sound of drums and lyres all over the city. And the loud voices of Bigueños shouting the official yell, "Viva San Pablo, Viva Vigan!" Nostalgic.

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       After the strike of the Coronavirus Disease, the supposed to be 1 month lockdown was unexpectedly postponed until a year. This changed the lives of people, including Bigueños. The annual celebration that we're all used to, changed in a sudden. No parades. No festivals. No loud noises that comes from drums and lyres. Streets are empty. But, it's not what stopped Bigueños to celebrate. Vigan fiesta was still celebrated, but in virtual way, through the use of an online platform, most specifically facebook's live feature. Competitions are still present but it's also done virtually. This contests are mostly for students who are willing to showcase their talents and skills, may it be in writing, arts, poetry, singing, dancing, and a lot more. People on facebook can watch the live openly. Though it's very different, it's still memorable since this cultural festive is never forgotten.

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       Life amidst this COVID-19 pandemic is really hard. It's a life changing experience. But, let's all embrace the truth that the world have changed. For now, the virus is unbeatable, and all we have to do is deal with it and do our parts. This pandemic have brought up how modern our lives now, because of technology, and this shouldn't be the reason that our history and culture will be forgotten. Instead, let's use this platforms to spread knowledge and proudly showcase our culture.


  1. I agree to your idea of using the technology that we have today to our advantage in order to show our culture!

  2. Nice blog,good job,keep it up,amazing work,nice structure,amazing wordplay,very nicely made and overall amazing blog

  3. Very nice idea and informative blog. Good job

  4. Your blog is full of concise ideas. I love how you organize your words and pieces of information. As you mentioned, let's use these social platforms to spread knowledge and proudly showcase our culture.

  5. I agree to your ideas, we must see technology as an avenue to preserve our culture and traditions. Great job and have a nice day!

  6. Your article Sunshine is well-thought-out. I really like how you are using this platform to spread awareness.


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