Hearts Everywhere, Anytime!


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          Celebrating love between people, may it be for couples, family or friends, is romantic. It gives extra enthusiasm, and binds the relationship stronger. Usually, this celebration involves giving of gifts, grand or simple, as a form of appreciation to that specific person. Going out to fancy restaurants, or simple home- cooked dinner date is also a thing on this kind of celebration. This happens on certain events like monthsary or anniversary celebrations, and of course, on valentine’s day.

Image retrieved at https://images.app.goo.gl/DRRgcjaaCvghQudq9

          Valentine’s day is celebrated every 14th of February, which is why February is considered the month of love. On this day, it gives people the chance to show their love for someone. It’s like a day of red, because lots of people wear red which symbolizes love. Couples are dating everywhere, some are going out with their friends, others are celebrating with their families, and some are making it a simple but memorable day by going out walking with their pets. 

Image retrieved at https://images.app.goo.gl/CVoYbvdCE2Xn8hmaA

          But for me, valentine’s day is not just about those. It’s not about those fancy, expensive gifts. It’s not just about eating at a pricey restaurant. Because in my case, none of them are necessary. On valentine’s day, I would prefer receiving hugs and kisses from my family and people that are close to me rather than expensive materials. In my preference, I would like to eat something that I personally cooked, even though I’m not good in cooking, just to make myself feel confident. Sometimes, love isn’t just about couples, it’s also about yourself. You may celebrate your valentine’s day with the people you love, but don’t forget to have time for yourself. Go and unwind. Breathe. Appreciate. Because you deserve to feel loved everyday, not only on valentine’s day.


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