More to write


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       Another journey had passed by, and lots of new things were added to my book. More knowledge and skills were acquired, and a whole new level of experience was gained. In the second grading period, it was wholesome. The memories are surely unforgettable, because there was so much to learn. Those skills acquired will surely be helpful for us, not only today, but in the future. This quarter, Information Communication and Technology was so fun to learn, because it’s like upgrading the knowledge you had in an enjoyable way.


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        Though this learning area was enjoyable, problems and challenges still do arise. These are part of a learner’s life. I have struggled to understand the lesson, but it’s not a big deal since I do study them, until I finally get it. Another problem that I encountered was having a hard time formulating an essay, especially on times that I had to rush the activities on other subjects. Lastly, it was hard for me to take rests and break because I had to finish the academic tasks that was given to me. I have surpassed these challenges through strongly believing in myself, that I can do it, because he will guide me. On times like this, strengthening your faith is very important. Ask him for guidance and help, but don’t forget to thank him after.


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     Moving on, I will not forget the knowledge I gained and will always put it in mind, because I know in the future, I will need them. I will also be more focused in my studies so that I can manage my time well. It may not be easy, but putting more effort and dedication will surely help me with my goals.



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